5.00001 Sand Snake

Fredi Schelb

Pedagogue and designer

Fredi Schelb completed educational training and studied at the Schule für Gestaltung (design school) in Zurich. Since 1989 he has been working on various projects such as developing exhibition objects, e.g. for Technorama in Switzerland, for the Bundesgartenschau (federal garden show) Magdeburg and Autostadt Wolfsburg, water play systems in swimming pools as well as objects, fountains and playgrounds in public spaces.

Designs in the Richter programme

“Watching children play is my inspiration for creating play areas. Above all when they play with an object in a completely different way than I, as planner, had envisaged, or when they have fun with boxes, planks, stones or a creek bed in the woods.

However, other sources of inspiration include my own desire to play, the inner child.

Fredi Schelb

And that needs to be nurtured and fed by going through life in a playful way and allowing our curiosity about all the small things of daily life to remain open.
In this way, often a small idea or an observation can ultimately be turned into a play object by joyous and tenacious tweaking, which in turn can inspire the imagination of the children.”


Atelier Fredi Schelb
Turmhaldenstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur

Tel.:  +41 52 21 35 05 4
Mobile: +41 79 28 71 43 2
Fax.: +41 52 21 35 07 2



Beispielhafte Darstellung einer Planungsskizze

An overview of our designers


Wolfram Graubner
Wolfram Graubner

