Chicken Family

Order number 4.24260

  • 3 Core-free
    3 Core-free
    3 Core-free

    Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape

  • 9 Plywood
    9 Plywood
    9 Plywood

    Plywood made of mountain larch, three-layer (3 cm) or five-layer (4 cm). High dimensional stability, waterproof, glued according

  • 19 Richter Hercules type rope
    19 Richter Hercules type rope
    19 Richter Hercules type rope

    Richter Hercules type rope, a combination of galvanised six-strand steel cables and polyester yarn, diameter > 20 mm, laid and glued with very good abrasion resistance, strong sheathing even in the case of damage by puncturing

Click on a symbol to learn more about the respective quality feature.

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