
Platform Tower h=2.00/4.00m larch with steel feet

Order number L3.30000

Play value

The large Platform Tower is oftenused as the central design feature ofplaygrounds. With its two levels andif combined with various other piecesof playground equipment, it makes anattractive meeting place for childrenof all ages. The lower platform can bereached via a double ladder, climbedfrom the inside, which offers smallerclimbers back protection. From there,the children have a variety of options,especially if suspension bridges, slides,nets and more are connected to the samelevel. The upper platform, which has aconsiderable height of 4 m, is securedby thick claddings screwed onto thestructure with gaps that offer a viewfrom a lofty height. This play area canalso be reached by a double ladder andis particularly attractive if a large slideallows a fun getaway to the ground. Inthis case, the slide will be installed abovethe extension of the lower platform inorder to comply with the permitted freeheight of fall.

Recommended for

  • kindergarten children
  • schoolchildren
  • supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools after-school programmes or similar
  • public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar
Palisades peeled white means that bark, cambium and sapwood are removed, the natural shape of the trunk is preserved and can be experienced Ja
Sawn-timbers core-free, thus decreasing occurrences of cracking and undesired changes in shape Ja
Claddings made of mountain larch (4 – 5 cm). Peeled white by hand, natural tree surface remains tangible and perceptible Ja
Tongue and groove planks made of 4 cm solid wood, highly resilient, no trickling of dust / sand, protection against direct rain Ja
Climbing rungs made of hardwood (ash) Ø 4.2 cm, milled and mortised, secured against twisting, easy to grip and not cold for children to touch Ja
Interlocking connection, with milled metal rings or serrated disc dowels, to reinforce the bolt connection under high loads transverse to the grain direction of the wood Ja
All parts used for anchoring to the ground are made of hot-dip galvanised steel or stainless steel Ja



Attention! Technical modifications reserved. Request current assembly instructions for site dimensions.


Günter Beltzig
Platform Tower h=2.00/4.00m larch with steel feet
Order number L3.30000
The large Platform Tower is oftenused as the central design feature ofplaygrounds. With its two levels andif combined with various other piecesof playground equipment, it makes anattractive meeting place for childrenof all ages. The lower platform can bereached via a double ladder, climbedfrom the inside, which offers smallerclimbers back protection. From there,the children have a variety of options,especially if suspension bridges, slides,nets and more are connected to the samelevel. The upper platform, which has aconsiderable height of 4 m, is securedby thick claddings screwed onto thestructure with gaps that offer a viewfrom a lofty height. This play area canalso be reached by a double ladder andis particularly attractive if a large slideallows a fun getaway to the ground. Inthis case, the slide will be installed abovethe extension of the lower platform inorder to comply with the permitted freeheight of fall.
  • kindergarten children
  • schoolchildren
  • supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools after-school programmes or similar
  • public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar



Attention! Technical modifications reserved. Request current assembly instructions for site dimensions.


Günter Beltzig